I am pregnant!!! The pregnancy announcement

I am pregnant!!! The pregnancy announcement

There is no more exhilarating moment in marriage than when the mother to say, “I am pregnant.” The thought alone tightens the already existing bond between the couples, bringing too much excitement and overwhelming thoughts of what should be done in preparation for a pregnancy announcement. Before you know it there will discussions of possible baby names, nursery decoration, choice of hospital, naming ceremony, etc. It’s news that comes with uncontrollable joy. Before we get carried away, let’s take a step backward to the moment you as the mother to be realizes that you are expectant. Amidst your butterflies and overflowing emotions, there is the reality of spilling the beans before your partner, friends and family. Letting the family know there is a baby on the way is all beautiful but would be more interesting if done in the right element. Sharing the news with the entire family may take a while but your partner should be informed immediately, just like you he is about to be a father and deserves to be in the know. Announcing the news may be tricky, but there are many creative, inspiring and memorable ways of doing it without breaking a sweat.

 Enticing ways of orchestrating the reveal to your partner 

Send the message with a deserving souvenir and this can be many things. For instance gift him a book with a relevant tittle as ‘how to become a dad’ or ‘my role as a father.” Leave it on his study table. Customize matching couple T-shirts for your weekend wear with the ‘Hello dad and Hello Mom’ message. Lay them out on the bed while he is in the shower. Bake or order a cake with the tag ‘we are having a baby’ let it chill in the fridge to be served as dessert and send him to fetch it after meals. Wrap your pregnancy test kit in a gift box and put on his pillow. He will definitely see it when he gets to bed. Buy mittens, baby shoes or baby socks, and lay them on the dining table alongside dinner. Alternatively, you can store them in his closet with his clothes and shoes but only do this if he picks his clothes personally. Decorate the house with many balloons and a banner bearing your preferred message. Stay in the bedroom as he comes in to allow the message sink before he finds you. Buy baby diapers and clothes, put them in a basket, and lay them on the bed, direct his attention to it maybe by inquiring the right place to keep them or by asking for an extra closet for the baby clothes. Send him a message while at work requesting for baby diapers. Alternatively request him to accompany you to the shopping store and while there pick diapers. Visit your doctor for a pregnancy scan, seal the results in an envelope addressed to him and drop it by his office or on his study table. Marriage comes with so much pregnancy pressure from family, and this may push you into informing them immediately you conceive. However, it’s advisable not to bow to the pressure. The first trimester in pregnancy is the most crucial time of your pregnancy; you may want to keep this a secret for a while until you feel safe enough to share. Once you feel ready, drop it in a memorable manner. 

Thoughtful ways of relaying the news to your family and friends 

Send out customized gift mugs to your parents, friends and siblings for the pregnancy announcement. Make sure they have the message clearly spelled out. The message may read ‘Grandma/pa I’m coming’, ‘are you ready to become an auntie/uncle’ etc. Say it with a cake over family dinner. Get a baby themed cake and present it on the table after dinner. Do a name suggestion request, call or message your loved ones requesting for preferred name suggestions. The message is definitely in the details, they will fill in. Organize for a family fun day. Among the games schedule fix in scrabble, and deliberately spell out the words in the game, do it repeatedly until it sinks in. Alternatively play the treasure hunt game and spread out the words in various places. Once they have them all, ask them to read it out. During family gatherings or get together, arrange with the hosting restaurant to have customized napkins spelling out the message put on everyone’s chair or under their plates. Send out congratulation cards to your loved one’s informing them of their soon to be new roles as a pregnancy announcement It could be an aunt, uncle, grandma or godmother. Let them find the meaning in the words. Meet your friends for a day out and surprise them with custom-made souvenirs. This can be a t-shirt written ‘the latest aunt/uncle in town. You can make this significant by wearing your mom t-shirt. Create a family or friends chat group; send a picture of a cake in the oven with the caption ‘we have a bun in the oven’ or “officially eating for two.” Announcing your pregnancy to your partner, friends and family may be a bit easier compared to announcing to your older children. The thought of them having to adjust to the new development may or may not go well with them. But you don’t have to get jittery, just find a fan way of relaying the news.

 Creative ways of informing your children

 Buy them new toys, could be a doll, bus, train name it as part of pregnancy announcement. Request that they keep the older ones for their younger sibling and keep the conversation open. Be ready to answer their questions and do not shy away from letting them know she/he is coming soon. Gift them story books about elder sister or brothers. Choose to read the book either with or for them and allow them pick your mind. Allow the baby bump speak for you, once the belly is protruding, they will want to touch it curiously. Use the opportunity to inform them of a mini them coming soon. Tag them along to your prenatal visits, and allow your doctor engage them. Every mother has a preferred approach when it comes to revealing the good news about being expectant. Stick to what best works for you and be sure to involve your partner before informing your family and friends.