The Pregnancy Checklist you should Know

The Pregnancy Checklist you should Know

Gestation or pregnancy as it’s commonly known comes with so many misconceptions. Many tend to believe it’s a moment to glow and bubble but on the contrary, it isn’t a walk in the park. Can be normal in many but complicated in others, even at that normal doesn’t mean easy. Pregnancy is exiting, stressing, exhausting and exhilarating all at once. Many get excited after the confirmation of conception that they tend to skip the hurdles that come with it. Being pregnant is wonderful but can also be overwhelming and having a pregnancy checklist is important. It is a time to buckle up and be ready for the bumpy ride. The ride however, doesn’t have to be messy; with the right guidance you can have a smooth journey. In preparation for the arrival of your bundle of joy you need to get an exclusive plan. The journey commences with a confirmation which obviously checks you into the first trimesters. For first time mothers this is the most confusing semester, comes with loads of emotions and excitement in equal measure. Do not get overwhelmed; start on the right path and with a good plan.

The First Trimester

These are the first three months after conception. Visit an Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OBGYN). They are medical doctors specialized in handling pregnant women through pregnancy to delivering of the infants. They also handle the reproductive organs, and treat different conditions in women including sexually transmitted diseases. Get a gynecologist as your first pregnancy checklist In case you do not have a personal Gynecologist, check with close friends and family for possible recommendations. Be sure to do a personal check on the hospitals they operate in before settling on one. The Gynecologist will confirm if the pregnancy is in good condition, and also ascertain if you are in the best position health wise to take on the pregnancy journey. Get nutritional advice on your diet as another pregnancy checklist . You are currently feeding for two. Hence, you need more vegetables, water and a variety of fruits for sufficient nutrients. Have an exercise routine, this is a tricky stage, so do not indulge in anything strenuous and not daily. Let go of all the toxic intakes like Alcohol and Cigarette as they are not good for the baby, instead include health supplements like folic acid which helps to reduce congenital disorders. Exhaustion will be a major occurrence, so take power naps as often as possible for adequate rest. Have a functioning calendar for your prenatal care.

This is majorly done on appointment due to the doctors’ busy schedule. Make sure your calendar is well updated and follow it strictly. Also engage your doctor for a better understanding of various tests you need to undergo. With the numerous emotions popping up, you will need more attention and a shoulder. Have quality time with your partner for support and intimate moments before the baby arrives. Make a solid decision early enough on where you want your baby delivered. It is better to research before settling to avoid last minute disappointment or discomfort. Be in cognizant of the maternity policy within your work place, this will help plan your rest and prepare psychologically for it. Consider childbirth care routines like HypnoBirthing, Lamaze and even Braley Method. The lessons help during labor and natural child birth. Discuss as a couple if you want to learn of the baby’s gender of leave it as a surprise. However, let no one influence your decision on this. Planning for the baby’s arrival includes shopping, do these in bits all through the journey to avoid the financial constraints. It is also advisable to begin early.

The Second Trimester

This commences on the 13th week of the pregnancy and comes with overwhelming pressure. It’s the moment when time begins to tickle so fast and with a lot in you to-do list, you easily get stressed. With this you need to put your emotions in check. Begin by letting your friends and family in. inform the reliable authorities like your Colleagues and Managers who should organize for your replacement during your leave. Begin your maternity ware shopping for comfort when your tummy begins to protrude. Everyone wants a glamorous skin, so remember to include skincare products in your shopping list to help maintain the skin as it adjusts. Keep up with your healthy eating and slight exercising. It is important to develop a good relationship with your doctor, this helps you develop confidence and comfort through your checkups. Make sure you have an ultrasound and anomaly scan done in time to confirm the health of your baby. Create space for your baby both mentally and physically.

Decide if the baby is to share your bed or have a separate space. It is advisable to research widely on this before closed in. As you continue with your baby cloth shopping, have in mind the climate in your region and consider adequate comfort for the baby also do not omit shoes as they are equally important. Whether you do sex reveal scan or not, you need to think about the baby names, run this by your partner to avoid conflict. Write what you settle on in your pregnancy diary to avoid mix up. Parenting and childcare is different and everyone goes for what works for them, Research of various types and options of childcare and prepare psychologically for your choice. Through this journey do not forget or neglect your duties and obligations. Set up your maternity leave plan and be sure to run it by your employer for a smooth transit. Many people neither think nor care about baby showers; it mostly comes as a last-minute surprise from either family, friends or colleagues. Be incognizant of what you want and make peace with it. If interested in a baby shower, plan early and involve your close ones for easy planning.

The Final Trimester

Probably covers the 28th to 40th week of your pregnancy. At this stage you will be more exhausted and anxious. Concentrate more on the breathing and position of your baby, Do more antenatal checks and ask all the questions you have to clear your doubts; this should be part of your pregnancy checklist. Involve to less physical activities and if possible set off for your maternity leave. Walking happens to be an ideal exercise, so as the body tends to slow down pick up by walking frequently. If involved in your baby shower planning, make a list of the most valuable items you will love as gifts and share with your panel of friends and family. Nonetheless, enjoy your baby shower as it marks a special last minute glow with the bump. Financial stability is important and when in a financial constraint do not fear asking for hand downs; feel free to ask for baby clothes from parents with older babies. Also remember to ask for recommendation for a suitable Pediatrician to help handle your baby after arrival.

Get a reliable help to assist with the last minute preparations as another pregnancy checklist. The hired help should be able to wash, iron and arrange the baby’s clothes and bedding, and also prepare your meals when you are too exhausted to do so. In your final stretch, set up the baby cot in a suitable position. Buy the baby essentials like Cleansers, dippers, moisturizers, and oils. This is a last-minute purchase to avoid expiry before the due date. All set for the big day, pack the baby’s bag and while at it, do not forget your personal effects as your needs are part of its content. Make sure you include your Snacks, clothes, diary, phone charger and toiletries. The diary will come in handy in case you forget the baby name or just need to look back. It’s also very important to do a final name check with your partner just in case he was in limbo. If you have other children, it is important for you to make arrangements of their well-being and caring while away.

Do a final crosscheck with your insurance if you have any and make sure you know the extent of their cover as one of your pregnancy checklist. Keep an open mind in case you end up in Cesarean Section delivery (CS) that is if it wasn’t your choice of delivery option. Keep calm and pray for Gods guidance and protection as you await labor and finally your bundle of joy. History is yet to find the so-called ‘Perfect Mother’ so far none has been recognized. Do not stress over a journey you have no control over. Be confident in your journey, make the mistakes and learn from them. The pregnancy journey is different for each and every expectant mother, do not panic over anything, eat healthy, exercise, read widely, get enough rest and talk to your doctor more often.

Commit to God for a smooth journey, pray for your baby, be grateful for every milestone and appreciate everyone who takes the journey with you. Life itself is a journey, focus on having fun and making it memorable