In a layman’s language, nutrition is simply the study of the components of food and their various functions within the body. Wikipedia, on the other hand, puts a deeper meaning to it as “the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, and disease of an organism. It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion.” Nutrition is made up of two nutrients namely Macro-nutrients and Micro-nutrients which are further subdivided into three and two categories respectively. The macro-nutrients are broken down into Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins while the micronutrient is broken down into two categories known as Minerals and vitamins. The two main nutrients that makeup nutrition are the molecules required to supply the body with energy and vital for child development.
Adequate Nutrition in infants is a plus towards a stable foundation and healthy growth. Research has it that compared to adults; children need more highly nutritious foods in their diet. More than often parents are advised to provide their children with balanced diet this makes up a nutritious meal for proper child development. What they fail to know are the nutrients in a balanced diet. A balanced diet is summed up of both the Macro and Micro nutrients and consists of food groups and samples like:
These are the body nourishing and energy giving foods, rich in the absorbing of fat from the body and hence helping repair tissues. However not all Carbs are nutritious to children, nutritionists advise on very little intake of sugar based carbs, and more consumption of fiber and starch rich carbs like: Potatoes, rice, bread, cereals, and pasta. Carbohydrates are also made up of fiber filled foods that regulate the bowel movement and shields the heart from chronic diseases.
These contain the body cells builders that help break down food into various components which later assists in fighting of infection and supplying of oxygen. Foods rich in protein are: Beans, chicken, eggs, meat, nuts, fish, and dairies products. Proteins also contain fats and irons rich foods which are the main energy boosters, and oxygen suppliers respectively.
An infant’s teeth and bone growth are an important part of child development are built from calcium products; they also assist in governing the heart, nerves and muscles which means it’s a stakeholder in blood clotting. Calcium-rich foods are sampled from both Vegetable and dairy products like Broccoli, Cheese, Ice cream, Spinach, Milk, Egg Yolks, Tofu and Yogurt.
These are the growth regulators and skin protectors in the body. They help the eyes adjust to either bight or dim light, heal wounds, build the immune system and make the blood vessel walls compact. Vitamins also contribute to child development through strong bones and teeth. These are made up of a wide collection of vegetables and fruits both rich in vitamins A and C.
Healthcare providers’ advise on good nutrition for children saying it helps in catalyzing their physical and intellectual growth. A good nutrition also assists in building a solid foundation for healthy eating. In most cases parents struggle to get their child eat, they tend to be picky on what they want to take and parents end up giving in. It’s important to note that a healthy child is built from a nutritious diet, fast foods and sweets do not provide such. Here is a guide on how to have your child eating nutritious foods:
- Educate them on the importance of a good nutrition, walk them through their plate contents, and their benefits, and make it a routine. Sooner or later it will become a habit.
- Knowledge is power, read vastly to be equipped with information on the benefits of various foods just so, you are in a position to understand your child’s plate content and respond to their numerous questions.
- Regulate the portions in your child’s plate in the right ratio. Make sure it covers all the basic nutrients, but in a reasonable amount to avoid overfeeding or constipation.
- Children learn more from what they see than what they are told; observe your eating habits whenever you are around them.
- Give them more of what appeals to them such as fruits, this helps encourage them to eat and also balance their consumption.
- Prepare sumptuous meals, learn if you must because good food attracts. It also helps to either offer an optional meal or apply creativity for the fun of it. You can substitute meat stew with fried meat, or fruit salad with fruit juice to reduce the chances of boredom.
- Involve them in your meal preparations, they could make a choice or assist you through the cooking, children are fascinated which a little control.
- Insist on taking of plenty water and low fat milk but also reward with sweetened drinks once in a while for motivation.
Although eating highly nutritious meals is important in each one’s life, it’s paramount in infants in the cognitive development stage (this is the brain child development stage, when children begin to develop speech and grasp language patterns) which is between the ages of 2 and 5 years. It is also at this stage that children begin the rapid physical growth and emotional development.
Study has it that children introduced to good nutrition at an early stage, have the ability to:
- Develop and maintain good eating habit.
- Mature faster with social skills which help them build stable relationships with their peers.
- Develop intellectually and perform well in school
- Never have language and speech delays.
- Be physically strong and able to gain weight faster
- Stay immune to diseases and have strong blood cells.
Contrary to what many think, poor nutrition is never based on parental neglect. Healthy foods and fruits are known to be very expensive and can affect families on low income. However, it is possible to eat healthily and still watch your budget. A good plan saves you time and money, so, they say, plan your meals in advance and cook in large portions, this will enable you maximize on left overs for the next meal. Also shop at your convenience and maximize on sales, you do not have to visit the best malls in town; your local grocery stores have the same products with equal nutritional value.