Childbirth is of equal significance to a father as it is to a mother only that woman read research and pays more attention to it than men do. However, times have changed, and men are braving up towards this emotionally draining journey. To aid the walk, dads are now signing up for Lamaze and other labor and delivery preparations courses and classes to be equipped with more information on childbirth.
Psycho prophylactic method as it’s otherwise known, Lamaze is a breathing control technique involving both Psychological and Physical training focused on enhancing relaxation thereby reducing contractions and pain during labor. Lamaze also helps increase focus; offer cardiovascular benefits and induce calmness in an awaiting to go into labor mother to be.
The lessons offered during Lamaze sessions are directed towards instilling knowledge and confidence on the soon to be parents which also help in shaping their decisions. Fathers who go through Lamaze session get to: –
- Develop Confidence
Many fathers lack the will power to get into delivery rooms. During Lamaze classes, you are impacted with enough knowledge to understand the importance of your presence in the delivery room. This helps you gain the confidence to stand by your wife during both labor and delivery.
- Overcome Fear
Childbirth fear cuts across even though men seldom express what they feel. These sessions grant you an opportunity to share your anxiety and learn to overcome them. The classes are normally conducted in conducive environments to allow easy Interacting and bonding with other parents.
- Prepare
Information is power, and it is in these sessions that parent learn various options of childbirth, birth plans, and what to expect. You are equally impacted with lessons on how to offer support during labor pains. It is a therapeutic journey that leaves you confident and hopeful.
Lamaze’s lessons therefore not only help you keep calm and collected during labor, but also grants you the knowledge you need to handle your wife. The breathing exercise gradually helps steers your wife’s attention from the pain to her breathing pattern which with a conscious control increases oxygenation in the muscles. That results to more efficient and powerful contractions hence a moderated heart rate that brings about good circulation on blood.
Research has it that postpartum depression is in equal measure on both parents and has become a great health disparity. This can be minimized if great Labor and Delivery Preparations measures are taken at the right time, and the right way.
Childbirth preparation helps you as a father: –
- Be proactive.
Knowledge is power, so they say, being in the know helps you grab the knowledge you need about pregnancy, labor and delivery. Also assists in shaping your understanding of the different trimesters, and what they entail.
- Have a birth plan
It is important to be on the same page when it comes to birth preference and with this comes an early in-depth discussion between you as parents to be, and your gynecologist. It also gives you an upper hand on what’s expected, the risks involved and a psychological preparation.
- Keep tabs of the happenings
Be in cognizant of the due time. Following through the pregnancy journey helps you keep tabs. You will know when the time is up and how to time the contractions. Normally, when the contraction frequency hits 5 minutes apart then it’s time to make a move.
- Bond with your baby
Labor time differs, it could be short or long in others, and the wait may be exhausting, it’s your duty to keep your wife calm and distracted. Take short walks over small talks, and rub her back as frequent as she would want you to. This moment brings you closer to your baby, your bonding time starts here.
- Document the journey
Fatherhood is a journey and memories make the best of it. Be sure to document every moment. Focusing on taking pictures or videos may keep you a bit distracted to evade anxiety. This also comes as a plus for your wife who will be so engraved in pain; a reminiscing moment will be great.
- Be patient
Be still and live in the moment. You are about to become a dad and the thought is overwhelming, but do not get ahead of your shadow lest you miss the important and irreversible stages. Memorize every moment that leads to the birth, it’s also good to discuss the cord and know if you want to participate in cutting it or not. Communicate this in advance.
- Be physically present
Being present through it all, study has it that a continuous support system eases labor pain. You may not know what to do but your presence does a lot of good.
Globally, men are known to organize and control the finances, and in many occasions stay engraved to it till complications arise. Unknown to you your physical, emotional, and psychological support is a fundamental part in improving maternal health hence reducing complications. Although complex, fathers have a significant role to play during labor, you are therefore encouraged to take up Labor and Delivery Preparations classes to help to nature your sense of humor through the journey and enhance your parenting skills.
It also goes without saying that adequate planning channels your mind towards embracing the nature of birth and viewing it as a normal event. It also helps you boost your diet through the nutrition value lessons, this act reduces postpartum depression.