The second-trimester bliss; Here is 12 weeks of taking it easy

The second-trimester bliss; Here is 12 weeks of taking it easy

Being pregnant is not all it cuts out to be. In most cases we are treated to a white lie of an awesome and easy journey. It however is a whirlwind roller coaster filled with emotions. Of course every pregnancy is unique and shouldn’t be compared with another but the unpleasant symptoms and challenges that come during the first trimester tend to be same in most cases as the second-trimester. The first trimester (this is normally the first 12 weeks of pregnancy), is commonly problematic with a lot discomforts like massive vaginal discharge, high temperatures, breast swelling and sensitivity, stomach upset, increased urination, varying moods and exhaustion.

Going through all this may be cumbersome and all a mother needs after a successful first trimester is peace and comfort. The second-trimester can be the most comfortable part of your pregnancy but with good guidance. Here is a guide on how to take it easy and successfully sail through it: –

  1. Religiously do antenatal checkup

An antenatal visit is schedule once every month and every expectant mother is advised to religiously follow the marked calendar. The visits help reduce risks and also act as a bonding session between you and your doctor for easy communication. However, weird symptoms like swelling face or bloody vaginal discharge calls for an urgent visit which you should adhere to immediately.

  1. Request for screen tests and vaccination

Screen tests help determine the condition on the fetus whereas the vaccination will help prevent influenza virus which will prevent you from contacting diseases easily. This assurance will help take away your jitters.

  1. Be watchful of your Diet and eat as often as possible

Hormonal changes are known to cause serious constipation summed up with heartburn, therefore it saves to eat fiber filled foods in small portions accompanied with plenty water as frequent as possible.  A baby’s growth and development, in the second-trimester, depends mainly on good health which is built from a balanced diet. Protein is necessary for fetal growth hence should be the main component in your diet. It is also important to eat foods rich in irons as they help in supplying the baby with oxygen.

  1. Exercise and find your Happy place

Research has it that regular work outs during pregnancy reduces childbirth complication and risks that may lead to cesarean section. Exercising also improves your blood circulations and increases your energy levels. It is however advisable to consult your doctor for a recommendation on the safe exercises to engage in.

Be sure to engage in things that make you happy, it could be swimming, movies or just reading. Wind it up with more of bedroom activities like sex as it is not just good for you but the baby as well.

  1. Bond with your Baby

You will most likely feel your baby’s first stir during the second-trimester, it is important to be keen on the daily changes in your tummy just so you do not miss a memorable moment. The baby normally expresses its current moods or responds to your emotions through these stirs. Talk to your baby frequently and listen attentively to get acquainted with the reaction pattern.

  1. Have comfortable sleeps

Long sleeps and power naps will help you get through the day comfortably and reduce exhaustion. Try getting 6 – 8 hours of sleep through the night with at least 1 hour nap during the day for adequate rest.

  1. Have a wardrobe revamp

As time goes by, you are most likely to feel uncomfortable in your normal outfits. As the baby grows so does your tummy hence your clothes become tight. Tight clothes are known to provoke heartburns and also slow down the blood circulation in the body. Invest in comfortable maternity ware for an easy moment and also to flaunt your curves and bump.

  1. Invest in anti-stretchmark creams

Your skin stretches in adjustment to your tummy growth and as this happens the elastin and Collagen fibers break causing stretch marks. Every expectant mother has genetic predisposition to stretch marks and preventing them is hard. Begin you stretch marks prevention regime by keeping the upper layer of your skin moisturized using the anti-stretch marks cream every day to help reduce the discomfort.

  1. Spend more time with your loved ones

Research has it that spending more quality time with your family results to less sharp stress hormones, which reduces chances of depression in the second-trimester. Spending more time with family also reduces anxiety hence making you feel more comfortable throughout your journey.

  1. Get your groove on

After the first trimester, the pregnancy acne tones down and your skin begins to glow with thicker hair, stronger and longer nails. Seize the moment and flaunt it, treat yourself to an awesome massage, manicure, pedicure and new hairdo at your comfort. Remember to protect your naturally glowing skin with a pregnancy safe sunscreen.

  1. Travel and Explore

After battling fatigue and morning sickness during the first trimester, it’s about time you stepped out of the bed and had a foot loose in the second-trimester. A time is coming when you will have to face restrictions from traveling and exercising. Take a vacation and explore before your bundle of joy arrives. This too should be run through your doctor before commencing to ascertain if you are fit enough to proceed.

  1. Take a step at a time

Lessen your expectations on what motherhood or childbirth ought to be like. Many of the things heard about postpartum in the end either turn out to be false or different in everyone’s journey. Choose to live in the moment as you create room for the mixed emotions and experiences that may arise. Have it in mind that mothering is not about perfection but doing it right.


Motherhood is a journey and must be taken in steps. Most cases we spend much time thinking about what should be done next forgetting to live in the moment. Every stage is important so learn to take it easy and connect with your body as you slowly strategize on the journey ahead.