5 Easy Pregnancy and Labor Exercises

5 Easy Pregnancy and Labor Exercises

Preparing for labor is the first thing any mother-to-be mind once they approach the third trimester. For any mother, natural childbirth is a marathon. Just like in any other race, you wouldn’t show up without training. In the same case, you don’t want to show up on your delivery date without doing some pregnancy and labor exercises to get your body prepared and in shape. Many questions arise in the mind of women when planning on how to exercise during pregnancy and labor. If you are not sure what pregnancy and labor exercises are safe for you during pregnancy, then we have got you covered. 

Why Exercise During Pregnancy? 

Physical exercise promotes and maintains your overall health and wellness.There is evidence that exercising reduces common discomforts like fatigue and back aches. Regular exercising during pregnancy helps keep you fit and improves your ability to cope with labor. It also helps open your pelvis and position your baby in the optimal fetal position for natural childbirth. Exercising enables you to spring back to shape after birth. 

When to start exercising

 For moms who had not been exercising before pregnancy, the best time to start engaging in exercises is upon realizing that you are pregnant. For those who have been doing work out, continue even during pregnancy but in moderation. For those who were not exercising before pregnancy, start slow with less strenuous exercises. The critical thing to remember is, not to over-exercise yourself and always listen to your body. However, before engaging in any physical activity, consult with your health care provider for guidelines. 

Types of exercises to engage in 

Most of the physical exercises are safe to perform during pregnancy as long as you take caution when doing them. The type of activity to engage in will depend on the stage of pregnancy you are in and your medical history. Below are some of the simple exercises that you may participate in while pregnant. These pregnancy and labor exercises are of low risk, and you can continue until birth. 


Brisk walking is an excellent workout as it does not put a strain on the muscles and joints. You can swing your hands as you walk as it helps build the upper body strength. If you have not been actively walking before pregnancy, it is advisable to start with a daily exercise of about 10 minutes and gradually increase until you get to 30 minutes per day. Increase the pace as you walk to get your heart pumping. Take caution not to walk in rough terrain or loose chippings as it may cause skidding off the road or falls. 


 Swimming is ideal for any pregnant woman more so for women who experience back pains while undertaking other exercises. The water supports the increasing weight. As you move against the water, the heart rate stays up. There is also no risk of falling over while in water. If you were already exercising by swimming before pregnancy, there is no need to change the routine. For starters, ask your trainer for guidelines on a safe routine program. However, avoid much twisting and diving and pay attention to your energy levels. Work out a routine of 30 minutes session, 4-5 times a week. 

Strength training

 It is safe for pregnant women to work with weights as long as the masses are not overly heavy, in such a way that the masses interfere with your breathing. Weight training helps your body get prepared to carry more weight. It also strengthens the stomach and back muscles thus reducing backaches. However, it is advisable to consult with your trainer on how much weight you can lift. Avoid lifting weights over the stomach area and also lying on your back while lifting weights. If possible, start weight training way before you get pregnant. Easy to moderate training twice a week is safe and helpful during pregnancy

 Indoor stationary cycling

 Cycling a stationary bike is an effective way to strengthen your muscles and lungs. These pregnancy and labor exercises are an excellent work out as it does not exert pressure on your joints. It also improves blood flow in your body. For beginners, start slowly and gradually add duration and intensity. Start with 5 min and keep adding a minute but take caution not to over-exercise. However avoid this exercise if you have issues with balance, blood pressure or heart-related problems. It is important to note that as you increase in size, your balance shifts and you are likely to exert more pressure on your back during this exercise. Always pay attention to your body and take the necessary caution. 

Prenatal Yoga

 Pregnancy comes with many body changes that induce physical and mental stress. Prenatal Yoga is one of the exercises that help maintain physical and psychological health. During this exercise, the mind focusses on poses, intending to increase endurance, strength and flexibility in pregnant women. The training also plays a vital role in the development of proper breathing and relaxation techniques for more comfortable labor. When looking for yoga classes, chose one with a certified prenatal instructor. Yoga is a means of relaxing, never push yourself as it is not safe. Take moderate routine sessions of about 30 minutes. However, consult your doctor before starting yoga exercises. Precautions to take while exercisingDifferent bodies react differently to different exercises. If you experience the following signs, stop exercising and see your health caretaker for further assessment.

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Unusual pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Uterine contractions
  • Fluid leaking from the vagina
  • Reduced foetal movement

Parting shot

If you have not yet started your work out program, then the right time to start is now. You need to get up from that couch and get started. Remember, you need to draw out your exercise program with guidance from your doctor. Start slow and at first work on lengthening the duration other than intensifying the exercises. As a rule of thumb slow down if you cannot carry out a conversation comfortably when exercising. Do not work out to exhaustion, listen to your body and don’t push yourself beyond limits. Stay fit, stay healthy, enjoy the journey.