How to succeed as a Remote Worker; and fighting the Myths

How to succeed as a Remote Worker

To telecommunication companies, this term is obviously relative; it is a trade they have mastered so well. Yet opposed to many, it is an uphill task, they must grab willingly or unwillingly due to the pandemic situation within the country. Being a remote worker, allows professionals handle their office duties away from the traditional work environment. It offers flexibility into articulating duties, allows you tailor your day to your desire while upholding dedication towards quality service delivery and surpassing targets.

The beauty about working remotely is that it involves less commuting and has absolutely no formula as to how it should be conducted. You are, your own boss and can easily adjust your schedule to suit your commitment. You can either work from the comfort of your home office or at a co-working space around you.

As a rrmote worker it allows you to be in charge; a working parent can effortlessly be present in her child’s life, ran a doctor’s appointment or further her education through part-time programs while still delivering office duties. It also offers a happier, healthier and stress free environment for a better production. Needless to say remote working boosts you mood, offers more inspiration and motivation.

However, just like any great thing under the sun, being a remote worker it has its own share of myths. Some of which make organizations have cold feet towards allowing their employees embrace remote working.

Here is to some misguided information about remote workers:

You cannot deliver unless supervised

In a normal workplace, there is always a third eye, it could be the cameras or a supervisor keeping employees on toes all the time. Bosses tend to believe it is the only way to get work done fast and efficiently. This is a dangerous belief as it plants a negative attitude on the employee towards delivering. Being available does not necessarily mean you are idle, you could be running an errand or simply taking a break. A remote worker has the same working hours as an office worker; only difference is they have the freedom to manage their time and do not need constant check up to prove that they are working. The prof should be found in the output.

Remote workers have more free time

Spending more time at home doesn’t necessarily mean you are free or available all the time. It all melts down to time management, taking a few minutes to respond to a message or fix a drink doesn’t make you available. Every individual has office hours and set aside breaks, it could either be tea, lunch or a rebooting break, these breaks are the barriers between your work and social life and that does not make you fully available.

Remote workers are not successful

Just because you do not step out every day doesn’t mean you are less productive and cannot rise or shine. It also comes with a demand to always prove your worth; sitting behind a computer in an office is not a sign of achievement. Every employee has goals and dreams that they work towards achieving every day and as they say, the end justifies the means. The best way to kill this myth is by meeting your targets and achieving your goals. An office never justifies an output or success.

With many organizations embracing remote working, it therefore goes without saying that it (remote working) can command success.

How to achieve success:
  • Take a litmus test within your work environment

Unlike a traditional office worker, a remote worker is entitled to flexible working hours with comfortable choices. It will be hard jumping into an already sailing boat and as a fact you need to try this out for a few days with different setups until you find a suitable one. It is easier to imagine what remote working entails but it’s a whole different story having a first-hand experience. It may look tiresome and burning within the first few days but that’s the reason for tying out different setups, it will help you find a suitable zone.

For starters, work on finding a flexible time before striking a balance. Experiment with both morning and afternoon hours to find out which best works for you. Mostly early risers hack more hours during the day while night owls’ expertise their nocturnal selves at night. Be sure to note when your body and mind is more active for the creative work.

  • Create work boundaries.

By creating a work environment at home it is easy to get completely buried at work and forget about your life. Working from home doesn’t mean you become a slave to your job, create a working regime and strike the balance. Know when to take a break, set clear boundaries to distinguish between works and break time. Too much work also brings boredom.

  • Customize your workspace

Working from a regular desk is okay, but it may cause serious boredom which will rapidly dim motivation. It will also be helpful to set up your working space away from your relaxing area to avoid unnecessary exhaustion. Work on a good office setup for comfort and motivation. This will also help you avoid minor injuries or accidents. A good working space increases production rate, boosts your mood and uplifts your spirit towards a dedicated day.

  • Attend meetings

Working remotely doesn’t make you a special or above the law employee, rules and regulations that govern an organization must be followed to the later. This means you must avail yourself as and when need be. Attend the office meetings and note the details to the latter. You can either be physically present or attend via Skype calls.

Do not take advantage of being in your comfort zone and show up unkempt in a video call or meeting. Dress up professionally and keep your grooming top-notch and while at it, find a suitable well lit corner and maintain your focus.

  • Set Time Blocks

Our day-to-day activities can be overwhelming and on several occasions we end up with serious back logs. Set time blocks to allow you adequate time to clear your desk before a new set of work piles up. This may come in handy if working on tight deadlines.

  • Update your diary

As a remote worker, keeping a diary helps organize your day and saves you from forgetting important appointments or assignments. It also capitalizes on preference hence knowing how to articulate your duties one after another with the aim of making it a success, and beating deadlines. In case of no diary, download a to-do list app and be sure to update and check it off promptly.

  • Run your assignment and ideas by your boss.

Always keep your boss in the know of what you are working on, send daily mails to keep them informed. This will help avoid clashes with colleagues, and also helps put a distinct mark on who is in charge of which project. This grants you an opportunity to prove your prowess.

  • Celebrate your progress and little achievements

Sharing your wins while in an office space is easier because your colleagues are always present to celebrate and motivate you. However, when working remotely, your achievements barely get noticed. Keep tabs of the progress you make and celebrate them. This will help you set the pace for your new project; a motivated soul is always dedicated towards success. Call your colleagues and friends, and share the good news, they may not be able to celebrate with you but will be happy for you and feel challenged to strive harder in their projects.

There is very little you can do to stay focused and visible as a remote worker. But in every step you take, have it in mind that the end justifies the means. Strive to achieve your dreams by beating all odds. It doable and all it takes is dedication and discipline.