Why the first 12 weeks are more important.

Why the first 12 weeks are more important.

Research has it that the strength of a baby’s heart depends on the amount of health care taken during the first trimester which is the main stage of fetal development. The first trimester is the first three months of pregnancy or in other words the first 12 weeks.

Conception occurs 10 days after the combination of a sperm and an egg, this happens to be the last moment of your menstrual flow and the beginning of your pregnancy journey. The body goes through dramatic changes as it enhances its walls to build a home for the baby. The fetus is known to be more susceptible during this trimester and can easily be destroyed by drugs, alcohol and various medicines.

It is at this stage that the embryo (a young fetus) develops rapidly with a lot of sensitivities that may cause either physical or mental abnormalities on the baby if good measures aren’t put in place. Expectant mothers at this stage are mainly advised to keep off drugs, non-prescribed medications and cigarette but maintain a healthy diet and prenatal vitamins.

A baby in the first trimester goes through the following developments:

In the first month of conception, the baby develops its major organs. The lungs and heart develops while the brain, nerves, legs, spinal cord and arms begin to form. The embryo is the size of a tadpole at this stage.

The development continues in the second month with the embryo growing to a fetus and developing its main body systems. The urinary, nervous, circulatory and digestive systems fall into place with a distinct eye, mouth and nose making it take the human shape.

The fetus is most vulnerable in the third month due to the rapid growth. It has its organs fully developed at this stage and begins to build the bones and muscles. Also has the toes, teeth and fingers growing alongside the intestines and skin. The fetal movement increases within this period.

As the fetus develops so does a woman’s body, which goes through massive changes during the gestation period. This happens in order to nourish and secure the baby. The changes however happen differently in every woman whereby some experience little while others have many visible changes. Among many changes you will experience in the first trimester are:

  • The mammary glands will enlarge, causing bigger but tender breasts. This happens as a result of the increased production of the pregnancy hormones, progesterone and estrogen.
  • The areolas become larger and darker with more exposed sweat glands causing white bumps and visible veins.
  • You develop a more pressing bladder due to an enhanced uterus causing frequent urination urge.
  • Frequent and irritating mood swings caused by the surged hormones.
  • You’ll feel nauseated with continuous morning sickness due to the increased amount of pregnancy hormones in the body.
  • As the uterus grows bigger, it presses harder on the intestines and rectum causing indigestion, constipation and heartburn.
  • The body goes through a slowed down physical engagement which causes exhaustion high level of cardiac output hence increased pulse rate.

The 12 weeks is known to be the make or break stage as it’s the most critical moment of your pregnancy. It is the stage that gives life to the fetus leaving it at 4 inch long and with all its functional parts formed by the end of the trimester. Every woman has her most profound changes experienced in this stage and that comes with a lot of adjustments. This also happens to be the time a woman forgets about the calories and instead concentrates on the nutrients. As a matter of fact a lot of care is expected of a woman at this stage to help sustain the fetus.

What’s expected of you in the first trimester?

Keep up with your feelings

It’s okay to get emotional, nervous and grumpy but do not let it take a toll on you. Find comfort from a friend or your partner to help you adjust to the news and manage your anxiety. There is a lot to look forward to and you should not be stuck at one point.

Schedule a doctor’s visit

Book a doctor’s appointment for your first prenatal visit and medical screening. This will help you get the right advice from your doctor depending on the outcome of your tests and screening. You will as well be introduced to the right pregnancy supplements.

Know who to tell

The 12 weeks, is a crucial time of the pregnancy and has a high risk of miscarriage, it’s, therefore, a tricky time to announce your pregnancy. Before you choose to break the news, be sure of whom to tell.

Begin your prenatal diet

As simple as it sounds, Health is wealth. Commence your healthy diet journey with the right nutrients that the baby needs. You are not technically eating for two as many puts it but the baby feeds off you. In addition to healthy eating avoid the use of drugs and alcohol.

Be physically active

Trying to keep physically fit does not mean you do strenuous exercises but you can do minor home workouts or short walks. Exercising helps manage mood swings, and rapid weight gain.

Learn to detect your symptoms

It’s easier to float during the 12 weeks without symptoms but tries being vigilant towards the obvious ones like fatigue, mood swings, nausea and breast soreness. Act as soon as you notice them to avoid irritation.


Resting does not mean you stay glued to one place without working or moving around but allow your body scheduled naps to ease tension and fatigue. Remember your body is fighting on building a placenta, and that takes life out of you. Be sure also to get enough sleep at night.

Be optimistic

Pregnancy is a journey and not a marathon. Everything will fall in place at the right time. Have a positive attitude towards it and take a step at a time.

The same way a child exhibits rabid growth so does the fetus do during the first trimester. This growth is purely supported by your body and can be easily terminated either by what you consume or do. An expectant mother is at the most fragile stage during this trimester; enhance your lifestyle for the betterment of your child.