11 Early pregnancy symptoms to look out for:

11 Early pregnancy symptoms to look out for:

Want to find out if you are pregnant? Medical tests like ultrasounds and pregnancy test kits are the only way to determine if you are genuinely pregnant or not. However, there are certain symptoms and signs to look out for that may indicate pregnancy. Some of these signs often show up after a few short weeks post conception. Let us have a look at 11 early pregnancy symptoms to watch out for:

  1. Swollen tender breasts

One of the early symptoms of pregnancy is shown in the breasts two weeks post conception, breasts tend to get tingly, swollen and tender. Sometimes, breasts also tend to feel heavier and fuller. Also, your area around the nipples tend to increase in size and get darker. You may also find several tiny bumps growing on your areolas in number as well as size. These tiny bumps are also known as Montgomery’s tubercles that produce oils in order to lubricate the nipples. You might also develop veins that are noticeable which is due to an increase in the blood volume and is another common symptom.

  1. Missed period

Missing a period is one of the most common and early symptoms of pregnancy. If you are running late or have missed a period it is likely that you are pregnant. This is a symptom that makes women search for other pregnancy symptoms. Also, there are cases when women experience a lighter period also known as implantation bleeding after they are pregnant and can be mistaken as a regular menstrual period and hence it is difficult to figure out if you have actually missed your period. It is always recommended to take a pregnancy test to confirm in case you have missed your period.

  1. Tiredness/fatigue

Tiredness and Fatigue also stands high among early symptoms of pregnancy. The levels of progesterone tend to soar during early pregnancy and when the production is high, progesterone tends to put you to sleep. Also, increased blood production, lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels will drain your energy during pregnancy. Pregnancy in a nut shell sounds like mountain climbing without sufficient training and carrying a heavy backpack along with you. Yes, that is the amount of tiredness caused by pregnancy. Hence, any signs and fatigues post a couple of weeks of conception is to watch out for as an early sign of pregnancy.

  1. Nausea

Nausea or morning sickness is another common and a classic symptom of pregnancy. Nausea also known as morning sickness can happen anytime during the day. In some cases, uneasiness starts to creep in post two weeks of conception. Morning sickness results in increasing levels of estrogen that causes the stomach to get empty slowly. It is also caused by changes in blood pressure, fluctuations in the estrogen levels and also the physical changes that happen during pregnancies. Women who are pregnant also tend to have a heightened sense of odor, and smells like a cigarette smoke, perfume or even cooking can cause heavy levels of nausea during early pregnancy. Nausea is a very common indication of pregnancy.

  1. Cramping and mild bleeding

Another common pregnancy symptom is vaginal bleeding or a small amount of spotting. Also known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the eggs that are fertilized are attached to the uterus line post 10 days of fertilization. This type of bleeding is lighter in color and earlier than a regular period and does not last for a longer period of time. Along with implantation bleeding, women also tend to experience abdominal cramping during early pregnancy. The abdominal cramps are similar to that of regular cramps during menstrual periods.

  1. Food cravings or Aversions

Pregnancy might lead to a huge increase in food cravings as well as food aversions. You might find yourself hating caffeine or fried foods or have a huge craving for the same. The food cravings or aversions are mostly caused due to a surge in hormonal changes. The hormonal changes are drastic to a level where a sight smell of a certain food item can upset your stomach or even lead to your morning sickness. Food aversions and cravings do tend to pop up in the first trimester.

  1. Mood Swings

The rush of hormones during early pregnancy can make you weepy and emotional. Mood wings are one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. Four weeks into your pregnancy, you may start feeling moodiness, and anxiety. It is normal for mood to go haywire during pregnancy and is another common symptoms of pregnancy.

  1. Regular/frequent urination

Another early signs of pregnancy is the need to frequently urinate. Post 3 weeks of conception you may feel the urge to regularly urinate. This is manly caused due to the hormone HCG that increases heavy blood flow to the kidneys aiding it to get rid of your body waste efficiently. The growing uterus is also a reason for frequent urination as it begins to press against the bladder leaving less space for urine storage thus resulting in regular urination.

  1. Bloating

Bloating is another common pregnancy symptom. The hormone progesterone slows down the digestion process that results in giving more time to the food nutrients to reach your bloodstream and reach the baby. Another aspect is that constipation is found along with bloating making it worse. It is recommended for pregnant women to include sufficient amount of fiber in the diet which can help you on a longer time.

  1. Increase in body temperature:

Increase in the body temperature during early pregnancy post-conception and throughout the pregnancy. It is not a fool proof symptom of an early pregnancy but yes if there is an increase in the body temperature post two-three weeks of conception it can be considered as an early symptom of pregnancy.

11 early pregnancy symptoms to look out for
  1. Sense of metallic taste in the mouth

It is observed that during early pregnancy women notice changes in their taste buds where they experience either a sour or a metallic taste in their mouth. This taste is called as dysgeusia cause by the soar estrogen levels in the body. It is usually experienced in the first trimester and is nothing to be worried about. Along with the above common symptoms, women also experience heavy headaches, stuffy nose, dizziness, vivid nightmares and dreams, bleeding nose, and bleeding gums. These symptoms are not exclusive to pregnancy and there have been cases where women have got pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms. Hence the best way to find out if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test or visit your healthcare provider. The sooner you can confirm pregnancy the sooner you can take good care of yourself as well as your baby.