Exclusive Breastfeeding Benefits and Challenges: Is it Achievable

Exclusive Breastfeeding Benefits and Challenges: Is it Achievable

In many communities, the jump into motherhood is a cause for celebration. From the time the child takes their first breath, life completely changes for the mother. Motherhood brings joy, but oftentimes; there are also challenges that are faced by new mums like exclusive breastfeeding. 

Breastfeeding is one. You probably heard the importance of exclusive breastfeeding drummed up to you from the time you got pregnant. Be it in the doctor’s office, in books or even on social media, exclusive breastfeeding is often emphasized, and for a good reason. For infants to survive and develop as they should, they require nutrients contained in breast milk. Breast milk contains water, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and amino acids. It also has white blood cells, antibodies, and other substances that boost the immunity of the newborn.

 Exclusive Breastfeeding 

Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life is important as it boosts a child’s immune system enabling it to fight infections such as pneumonia and diarrhea which could lead to the death of an infant. Exclusive breastfeeding happens from birth up to six months. Newborn mothers should however continue to breastfeed up two years. Babies that have exclusively been breastfed are healthier than those that haven’t. Exclusive breastfeeding boosts infant immunity thus offering protection against various infections. This in turn reduces infant mortality. For newborn mothers, exclusive breastfeeding is also beneficial. For those wondering how to burn those extra calories you gained over pregnancy, exclusive breastfeeding is the answer.

 Exclusive breastfeeding also delays fertility for newborn mothers and lowers their risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. What’s more, exclusive breastfeeding is a great way to bond with your newborn. It also saves you time and money. Think of it this way, you don’t have to buy baby formula which is expensive by the way. Cleaning and keeping up with all the feeding bottles and equipment can also be a hustle. Instead, all you’ve got to do is sit down relax and bond with your baby. While exclusive breastfeeding is ideal, it may not be possible in some situations. Truth be told, a mother’s ability to breastfeed depends on several factors. Is the mum healthy, are they stress-free or experiencing post-partum depression?

Do they have the support that they need? Are they working? Are they able to get healthy food? We live in a world where too much pressure is put on new moms that they end up feeling stressed and devastated when they cannot meet societal expectations on breastfeeding. While exclusive breastfeeding is a good thing, those who can’t should not be made to feel like they’re any less of a mother. 

Reasons Mothers SupplementMedical Conditions

 If a mum develops complications in the process of giving birth, there may be a need for supplementing at an early stage. There are also various infectious diseases that can be passed through breastfeeding. These include HIV, active tuberculosis, and others. In this case, a mother can introduce baby formulas. 

Low Breast Milk Supply

 Many newborn mothers believe that they have a low breast milk supply which is not always the case. Milk supply is a demand-supply mechanism that can be confusing if not well understood. However, there are mums who may genuinely have a low breast milk supply, a problem that can be caused by several factors including insufficient glandular tissue, hypothyroidism, and previous breast surgery or radiation treatment. For those with genuine low breast milk supply, supplementing is advisable. 


 For mothers with medical conditions, exclusive breastfeeding may not be achievable as some medications may be harmful to the baby. Antiretroviral medication, chemotherapy drugs, radioactive iodine, and some sedatives may not be compatible with breastfeeding. Parents taking such medication should follow the advice given by the doctor. It is also important to note that there are certain medications that affect the supply of breast milk.

 Child Refusal to Breastfeed 

While most babies can breastfeed, there are certain conditions when exclusive breastfeeding may not be possible. These include classic galactosemia, maple syrup urine disease, and others.

 Other reasons why parents quit include:

Short Maternity Leave

 Working mums find it hard to exclusively breastfeed. While it may be a challenge to create a work-life balance as a newborn mum, it is possible. New mums who are going back to work should be encouraged to express their milk for their child before returning to work. There are wonderful breast pumps available in the market that can ease the burden of expressing.

 Parenting Multiples 

Mothers who give birth to more than one child are more likely to fail at exclusive breastfeeding. Imagine having to feed 4 or 5 babies? It can be mentally and physically exhausting to a new mum, and this may even lead to post-partum depression. Mothers face numerous challenges at the individual and societal levels. Breastfeeding mothers should be fully supported in their breastfeeding journey.

 Useful Tips to Guide You Through Read Up on Breastfeeding 

Pregnant mothers should go through education material on breastfeeding to be able to understand how it works and the challenges that they may encounter. This gives them a head start which is really important in having the right frame of mind. 

Make Breastfeeding a Priority 

By understanding the benefits of breastfeeding newborn mothers can easily adapt by making breastfeeding a priority no matter where they are. Getting a working pump can enable working mothers to continue to provide the much-needed breast milk while still at work. Many work places have also set aside special rooms where mothers can comfortably express their milk. 

Seek Advice from a Lactation Consultant 

Many new mothers give up on exclusive breastfeeding when they encounter challenges such as engorgement, milk leakage, and minimal milk production. It is important for mothers to seek help from a lactation consultant who may advise on how to deal with these challenges.

 Get a Community 

Well, motherhood can be a tough and challenging journey. Always remember that you are not alone and there are other mothers who may be going through the same challenges. Joining a community helps in gaining support and affirmation from other mums. Exclusive breastfeeding has a wealth of benefits. However, each parenting experience is different and unique and comes with its fair share of blessings and challenges. Parents who for any reason are not able to exclusively breastfeed should not be admonished. Instead, they should be encouraged to breastfeed for whatever period that they can as this too is beneficial for the child. 

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