Why it is important to prepare your baby’s first food.

Why it is important to prepare your baby’s first food.

Breastfeeding still holds the crown as the best feeding option for infants, if not for anything then at least for its nutritional value, and maternal health support. It’s so good such that doctors’ advice on a 6 months exclusive breastfeeding of babies before introducing any supplements. But then this can only happen for a while after which the baby has to be introduced to solid foods. They are initially introduced as supplements to the already ongoing breastfeeding program that should run for about 12 months before taking an official break. Introducing the baby to solid foods is an important and equally exiting milestone. It’s probably the beginning of building the baby’s relationship with food and a healthy lifestyle. It therefore goes without saying that one has to be watchful on when and how to make this introduction.

 Getting Started with Solid Foods 

This is a very tricky part as they cannot just come in any order; you need a certified workable formula through this. Nutritionists recommend proteins and iron fortified cereals as the best first introduction foods as they contain the key ingredients that the baby needs most after an exclusive breastfeeding program. However, they also advise on the introduction of one ingredient at a time. Infants take time before developing chewing and motor skills therefore food must be introduced in the softest texture possible; this means mashed food will be a good place to start. Generally homemade baby food is always more nutritious and tastier than commercial foods and preparing it grants you an opportunity to control the quantity and quality of ingredients used. The developmental readiness and transition from breast milk to solid foods is what the English men call weaning. Being at the center of it gives you absolute control on a lot of factors that will definitely contribute to the well-being of your baby. Here is to the advantages of self-preparing your baby’s first meal: 

  • Deliciously Nutritious 

Commercial baby food is always heated at higher temperatures to help kill bacteria which in return kill the nutrients so when you depend on your local store for the baby’s food then you are settling on less quality food for your baby. This cannot in any way be compared to homemade food which is always fresh and filled with seasonal ingredients that help boost the baby’s immune system. Preparing homemade food for your baby also grants you the opportunity to not only monitor the intake, but also introduce the ingredients in bits as required. 

  • Less Processed 

Commercial foods are often over processed to fit the desired quantity, and later filled with starch ingredients to obtain thickness, this obviously suppresses the quality and flavor of the food. On the other hand homemade weaning meals are made in the right texture and amount that suits the baby. You are more in the control of the quality and quantity having understood your baby’s feeding capacity. In cases where more is needed, you will know how to prepare enough without losing the consistency and nutrients. 

  • Pocket Friendly

 Buying commercial food means paying for both the ingredients and labor. Depending on your financial capability this may not be cost effective on everyone, so you will either end up buying less or compromising on other needs. If you choose to go for the homemade baby food, all you need are the ingredients which depending on your store of choice should be pocket friendly. You can also offer the baby an adapted version of the family meal tailored to suit his or her weaning stage. 

  • Offers Variety 

Packaged foods are tailored to meet the desired standards of the owner which means in the end, they will all have a similar taste. Giving your baby homemade food is allowing then experience different flavors achieved from your creativity and versatility. This will help the baby not get bored from consuming the same taste day in day out.

  •  Reduce chances of having a Fussy Eater 

Commercial baby food is more like a canned food, always contains preservatives to allow a long life. Preservatives are known for flat taste, and introducing the baby to flat taste after a blissful breastfeeding journey is like literally forcing hunger and tantrums on the baby. Introduce the baby to a variety of enticing flavors for motivation towards developing good feeding habits and appetite. Your baby’s fussy eating behavior may either be adapted or avoided at this very stage. Time-Saving Without going through the whole process of preparing the baby’s food separately and later on preparing the family meal. You can choose to cook once and then offer the baby a blitzed version of the main meal. Alternatively, you can batch cook the baby’s meals and freeze them for fast weaning later on. This, not only saves you time but also creates space for other activities and maybe adequate rest.

 Food Safety 

Being at the center of your baby’s feeding from the preparation to consuming also helps you understand and regulate what goes into your baby’s plate. The beauty of this is that you get to introduce one ingredient at a time as you monitor the child’s reaction and in case of any allergies or food borne illness you can easily trace the ingredient. Also introducing some allergy causing foods at an early stage helps the body adjust hence avoids such allergies in the future. You equally get to learn and understand the components of your child’s meals. Choosing to prepare your baby’s meals may be overwhelming, but worth it in the long run. Children are often responsible for how much or fast they eat and this may need a little of patience as they learn to focus on the food. Do not get discouraged thinking the food is not delicious enough, transition requires ample time and adaptability. Also try and entertain their excesses, if they choose to touch the food or try feeding themselves allow them, it’s all in the process. Whatever happens, do not give up and think otherwise, a little patience and creativity will get you home. 

Dear moms, let us know if you ever got a chance to prepare your baby’s first foods. How was the experience? Is it anything different from what you have read above?